"A superb fiddle player, and no slouch either on recorder, cittern, guitar and hammered dulcimer,
also in possession of a voice of gentle strength that adapts well to suit various vocal styling."
-Rock 'n' Reel Magazine, Cumbria, England
Tania Opland's concerts are a tapestry of melodic and lyrical textures blending intriguing cross-cultural influences, from soaring melodies on a solo instrument to powerful vocals backed by solid rhythm guitar or intricate fingerpicking. The repertoire starts from a base in traditional music of North America and the British Isles, spreads through most of Northern Europe and touches on other cultures around the globe, with an array of musical instruments including an unusual five-string violin/viola, cittern (or octave mandolin), hammered dulcimer, ocarina and hurdy-gurdy, along with more common instruments such as guitar, recorder, and, of course, voice.
Tania’s performing career began as a break from undergraduate programs in engineering and physics. The initial goal was simply to get by without a day job for a year and focus exclusively on making music. Forty years later, after four solo albums, three collaborations, keeping up a transatlantic touring schedule for thirty years, appearing on radio and television in seven countries, and winning fans around the globe, it can safely be said that all expectations have been exceeded (though the degrees remain unfinished).
Hurdy-gurdy photo by Fae Wiedenhoeft
These days, although touring mostly with music partner and husband Mike Freeman, when their travel schedules diverge from time to time, Opland steps easily back into solo performances.
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